WhatsApp allows you to text message friends etc on multiple platforms. Be it iOS, Android, Blackberry and so on. You can send plain text messages, photos and even video all via whatsapp. This allows you to save on expensive data plans and reach out to friends on other platforms all via one app. The design of whatsapp is simple but very customizable. Theres no hidden costs within the app just pay for it once and you can use on 3G/4G and wi-fi.

The app is a multimedia service meaning you can send all types of media from pictures, voice notes and even contacts all through the service. Group chat is another big feature within WhatsApp allowing you to message multiple contacts all in one group. The group feature is great for conference chats, it even has options to remove/add more people into the group at your leisure. The ability is also included to set status updates so that all your friends know of your current availability. You can post a status saying what your up to and or if your busy, online, etc. WhatsApp also has a section for your favorite contacts so you can set a few of your favorite people to easily reach at a tap. Additional options are built in to adjust things like chat wallpaper, font size, and many other settings. One of the better features that WhatsApp offers over many other messaging apps is blocked contacts. You can easily blacklist people from messaging you if it becomes a problem by adding them to your blocked list.
-One time cost
-Multimedia service
-No iPod/iPad version
Whatsapp also allows for customization in that you can set a profile picture that goes out to all your contacts. Everything is also just handled automatically, no need to add your contacts they’re simply pulled in from your address book. If your offline and WhatsApp receives a message it saves them so when your back online all notifications will come in. WhatsApp overall is a really great app on a variety of platforms. No need for logins, multiple apps, all just to send messages to your friends. Regardless of what platform they’re on WhatsApp is most likely available on all smartphones. The beauty of it all is there are no additional or hidden costs involved. One upfront fee and your good to go and get messaging. If anything I’d like to see and iPod/iPad version implemented as wifi messaging on those devices would much be desired. For the best social messaging app on all platforms check out WhatsApp Messenger in the App-store.

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